Zoom Meetup Recording & Notes
February 16, 2022
(0:05) Welcome and Introduction
Leigh Anne Palmer welcomed attendees and introduced guests.
(2:00) Session with Sam Turcott, Accessibility Directorate
Sam provided a presentation, starting with an overview regarding the Accessibility legislation. The key feature of the Act is to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in society. The mechanisms to achieve this involve the establishment of accessibility standards; establishment of a Provincial Accessibility Committee; requirement for government and prescribed organizations to establish multi-year accessibility plan, accessibility advisory committee, and feedback mechanism for the general public; and; establishment of compliance and enforcement mechanisms including monetary penalties.
There was a question regarding whether the Ministry will be providing a template to assist with meeting the requirements. The Ministry will provide resources and an optional template.
Timelines were discussed. Recommendations for cabinet consideration will be presented in April with the expectation that regulations would be in force by September of this year. Organizations will be provided a minimum of one year for compliance (earliest would be September 2023). The Accessibility Act’s definitions of barrier and disability are very broad and not just limited to physical barriers or disabilities.
Directors are encouraged to reach out to Sam if any questions arise.
(26:50) Session with Mari Martin, Libraries Branch
Mari provided an update on annual reporting. A couple of weeks ago the Ministry sent out instructions and a template for completing the Annual Reports. The template is there to help the Ministry gather and share information about the core themes from libraries. Mari suggested directors can reach out to her team if there are any issues meeting the reporting deadlines. For questions regarding annual reporting directors can email llb@bc.gov.ca.
Discussion regarding funding levels. Mari shared that for the past 3 years funding allocations have stayed the same and based on population data from the 2016 census. Mari does not have any information at the moment regarding the use of 2021 census data and funding levels.
(38:04) Discussion regarding presentations:
Christina suggested that ABCPLD could host a webinar similar to the Ministry of Citizen Services FOIPPA webinars that have taken place regarding accessibility and compliance with the BC Accessibility Act.
(40:45) Vaccine Mandate Poll Results
Leigh Anne shared the poll results with the group. There were 49 respondents. ~36% of respondents had mandatory staff vaccination policies, 36% did not, 25% were undecided. Leigh Anne will send out the poll reports to Directors.
(44:50) Public Health Orders Update
Directors had a wide ranging discussion on Covid related topics.
Patrons who have medical/doctor’s notes exempting them from wearing masks. Some libraries are offering options to such patrons such as curbside services, coming in when the library is closed but staff are available and limiting time in the library.
Third party usage/room rental and complying with vaccine passport checks. Whose responsibility is it to ensure compliance, the library’s or the third party renter? Some libraries are opting not to offer private rentals at the moment. Many libraries are requiring the renter to be responsible to adhere to the health orders and add this in the rental agreement.
In person programming and book sales. There was discussion regarding whether libraries will return to 100% capacity for in person programming. Some libraries will remain at 50% capacity and re-evaluate in mid-March. Book sales and these being categorized as events and needing to adhere to public health orders relating to events.
Discussion regarding vaccine passport checks for children and teen programming. Some libraries are allowing class/school visits again and requiring masks be worn. Some libraries schedule class visits before library opening hours.
Directors reported increasing hostility around mask mandates, stating they have become more challenging to enforce since protests began.
The next Zoom meeting will be held Wednesday March 9, 2022 from 2pm to 3pm.