Library Director Zoom Calls
Member Library Directors are welcome to attend monthly zoom meetups that feature guest presentations, regular connection with our Public Libraries Branch partners, and an opportunity to collaborate and problem solve with colleagues.
The most recent calls are included below. Visit the Archives for logs of previous meeting and the Events page for a schedule of upcoming calls.
FEBRUARY 19, 2025
● (00:06) Welcome and Introduction
o Heather welcomed attendees to the meeting and advised that Cari will join the meeting shortly
● (00:41) Mari Martin – Public Libraries Branch
o Mari provided an update on operational and strategic matters for libraries including the recent government's throne speech and upcoming budget on March 4th, with no anticipated changes to library funding and schedule of payments in June.
o Mari emphasized the importance of highlighting affordability efforts in the provincial library grant reports due March 1st. If anyone has a particular story that may not fit in the structure of the grant reporting you can send Mari an email or add a note in the comment section so that Mari can follow-up with you.
o The PLB team is working on the annual survey which will go live in mid-March as well as ongoing work on finalizing grants for the 2024-25 year. Mari announced the hiring of a temporary library consultant.
o As per the PLB’s strategic plan, Mari shared that the Branch will reach out to members in the next month regarding what projects will be worked on in 2025-2026.
o Mari indicated that library funding is expected to flow in June, following a similar pattern to the previous year, including enhancement funding, subject to final approval.
o Mari discussed issues with the grant report format and addressed questions about the new form's limitations with hyperlinks and image uploads. She suggested adding an attachment section for uploads and will consult with the tech team for a solution. Wendy raised a concern about board approval uploads, to which Mari explained that there should be a spot for uploads in the new form. Mari also emphasized the value of the reports in highlighting the shared provincial services and funding.
● (16:03) Members moved into closed section discussion
JANUARY 15, 2025
● (00:06) Welcome and Introduction
o Heather welcomed attendees to the meeting
o Heather requested everyone to include their library's name in their Zoom title for better identification.
o Heather introduced Dawn Ibey, interim CEO of Vancouver Public Library
● (02:00) ABCPLD Updates – Heather
o Heather and Jessica provided updates and discussed future plans.
o Heather announced the launch of the Annual Award of Excellence, a new award for Innovation and Impact. More information will be shared through the listserve and we look forward to receiving your nominations.
o Our bookkeeper, Vinita, is sending out membership dues invoices this week. Please reach out to Jessica if you have any questions.
o Heather thanked libraries who have contributed to the Strategic Initiatives Fund. These funds cover the cost of government relations consultant, Earnscliffe, participation in UBCM Conference and augmenting our Executive Director’s hours to ensure our advocacy work is implemented. Please reach out to Jessica if your library is able to contribute to this fund as Vinita will be able to send an invoice.
o Jessica thanked everyone for their feedback through the Members Survey in the Fall.
o Jessica updated on the upcoming meetings, including a Q&A session with a lawyer in February, a space planning session in March, and the AGM in April. Representatives from Earnscliffe will be presenting on local government relationship building during the first hour of the AGM.
o Jessica mentioned the coordination of in-person meetups for ABCPLD members attending BCLA's Conference and/or Beyond Hope in Prince George.
o Jessica also shared a link to a survey from BCLA seeking feedback on their provincial professional development program which is still in a pilot phase.
● (08:30) Open Discussion Time
o Members discussed their upcoming celebrations and events.
o Matt shared plans for the 75th birthday of their library on March 1st, including a monthly partnership with a local museum, a slide show, and a walk through the decades.
o Ursula announced Cranbrook Library’s 100th anniversary this year with various events and displays planned throughout the year. Ursula mentioned a major event on July 4th and a float in the Spirit of the Rockies Festival. Additionally, Ursula shared details about the Library's Information Technology Conference, featuring a keynote speaker from Toronto Public Library, and encouraged library directors to attend. The Conference will take place on May 5th at the Vancouver Public Library. Ursula will be finalizing a “hold the date” letter and will be sending this out to the group.
o Heather Buzzell shared her experience with the new app for the Penticton Public Library, highlighting its features and challenges.
o Susan shared updates about their new collective agreement, including the removal of Sunday premium, changes to regular hours of work, and the introduction of staff-funded sick leave. Anton shared information regarding their potential changes to long-term extended benefits, which had been a contentious issue during their negotiations. Deb, Dawn and Scott clarified that any material changes to working conditions or practices could be challenged by the union.
o Rebecca shared her experience with a Freedom of Information request, emphasizing the importance of considering the potential for charging fees for delivering records as there are allowances in the Act for organizations to charge fees. The charging of fees was a turning point for their library as the requester withdrew the FOI request. Scott shared that they have a Privacy Officer that can provide assistance so please reach out to Scott. Maureen also offered assistance as they have a Privacy Officer on staff and have an established relationship with an FOI legal counsel.
o Karen shared that their library is planning a full-scale renovation of their public washrooms. Karen sought advice on managing reactions and signage changes in relation to renovations for universal washrooms.
Anton asked about potential grants for the renovation project, and Karen mentioned that they are considering gas tax funding. Ursula shared her library's approach to accessibility, which involved having a separate universally accessible washroom. The main washrooms were not renovated and remained as is.
The next Zoom meetings are scheduled for February 19th and March 12th, with the March meeting adjusted for spring break. Members can send their legal questions in advance of the February meeting with the lawyer which will help inform the session. Please send your questions to Jessica.
DECEMBER 18, 2024
December 2024 Meeting – Recording Part 1:
● (00:06) Welcome and Introduction
o Cari welcomed attendees to the meeting
o Cari introduced Rose Meulenbroeks from Hazelton Public Library. Rose will be replacing Brian who will be retiring.
● (02:10) Advocacy Update – Cari Gawletz
o Cari provided an advocacy update, encouraging libraries to send congratulatory letters to new MLAs and noting the importance of building relationships. After sending your letters, please record this in the live spreadsheet that is linked to the template letter. The partners have also sent welcome letters to the entire new cabinet with a special letter addressed to our new Minister, Ravi Kahlon.
o The partners have renewed their contract with Earnscliffe Solutions for government relations work in 2025, which is critical for securing provincial funding before the enhancement grant ends. However, an additional $20,000 is needed to cover expenses like UBCM and Earnscliffe and ongoing advocacy initiatives. Cari urged libraries to contribute to the Strategic Initiatives Fund if possible, as expert assistance is essential for complex government relations efforts. Question arose regarding the contributions from Library Partners to date. The BC Libraries Co-op will be contributing $5,000 and historically the contributions from other Library Partners have been in-kind.
December 2024 Meeting – Recording Part 2:
● (00 :20) Public Libraries Branch Update – Mari Martin
o Mari provided an update on the team's activities and future plans. She mentioned that the team, now part of the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs, is transitioning due to the merger of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Mari also shared that the team has been working on responding to governance questions from libraries and is preparing for briefing the minister and deputy, and is working on a strategic plan for 2025. The reporting framework will not be changing and reports will still be due March 1st.
o Mari introduced new team member Cameron Butt who will take on the role of Project and Policy Analyst at the Public Libraries Branch and will be overlooking the Community Literacy file.
o Marie updated that the team is also looking into the grant structure and will offer a presentation to ABCPLD membership regarding the themes from the Grants Projects in the new year.
o Mari shared that she has had questions from libraries regarding the timing and use of enhancement funds which can be used beyond 2025 and into 2026. Libraries can reach out to Mari if they require formal letters explaining the extended use of enhancement funds beyond 2025.
o Mari also discussed the remaining $350,000 in the library grant line, which will be allocated to partner organizations through January. She encouraged libraries to collaborate on projects and mentioned the possibility of investing in the Summer Reading Club and Books for Babies programs.
The next Zoom meeting will take place on January 15, 2025 and will be held at 2:00pm instead of our usual meeting time of 1:00pm.
OCTOBER 16, 2024
● (00:00) Welcome and Introduction
o Heather welcomed attendees to the meeting and informed members that Cari is away today
o Heather introduced Mercedes Taylor who is the new Deputy Librarian of the Prince Rupert Public Library
● (02:10) Public Libraries Accessibility Working Group - Update
o Heather introduced the Public Libraries Accessibility Working Group (PLAWG) and its members, including Rina Hadziev, Sarah Felkar, Leigh Ann Palmer and Sam Murphy.
o Rina provided an overview of PLAWG’s purpose and structure, noting its narrow scope and focus on representing the library sector's needs to the Disability Alliance of BC (DABC) and managing any funds received from the province and DABC. Rina also highlighted the importance of accessibility work in libraries, given that one in four Canadians have disabilities.
o Sarah discussed the group's work, including a $150,000 grant from DABC to support the sector which was spent on workshops and one-on-one support for developing accessibility plans with libraries around the province. The working group worked with Untapped Accessibility to carry out this work. Sarah highlighted that there is grant monies remaining and that the working group is in discussion with DABC about the best use of these remaining funds.
o Leigh Anne highlighted the challenge of determining what is fundable and unfundable according to DABC's grant parameters, and the need to identify options that stretch the scope of the grant while still fitting within its purview. Leigh Anne discussed potential project ideas such as marketing public libraries to people with disabilities and conducting a needs assessment.
o Rina discussed funding from the Public Libraries Branch to support accessibility work which has different and often looser guidelines than the DABC funding. BCLA has been focusing on two different areas with this funding from the PLB which are Accessible Training and Website Improvements
o Rina discussed the recent training opportunities provided by BCLA, focusing on accessible customer service based on the CAP (Cognitive, Affective & Physical) framework. She encouraged members to suggest future training topics. BCLA also received separate funding to make accessibility improvements to the Summer Reading Club website and online reading tracker.
o Sarah highlighted the accessibility improvements made to library websites and the upcoming accessibility updates for Sitka. Leigh Anne emphasized the importance of their ongoing work with NNELS. Leigh Anne spoke to the development of an accessibility audit checklist and some of InterLink’s newer work such as the hosting of a shared accessibility advisory committee. She also mentioned providing accessibility audit options for its members. There are two options that will be sponsored by InterLink and these are attitudinal audits and programs and services audits which will be shared with the wider public library sector.
o Sarah requested feedback from members and mentioned potential projects such as marketing public libraries to people with disabilities, conducting a needs assessment, doing accessibility audits, creating practical toolkits, and developing communities of practice. The working group sought feedback, whether positive or negative, on which projects resonated the most with members. Jessica will send out a poll after the meeting and will compile the information and share it with the working group. Hilary emphasized the need for better awareness campaigns about services that exist already in libraries such as services for print disabled patrons, highlighting the challenges in outreach. Rina discussed the importance of making support for people with disabilities explicit and visible in libraries. She highlighted the need to form relationships with people who have disabilities to spread awareness about resources. Rina also mentioned the challenge of doctors not providing enough social support, emphasizing the need for community groups to fill this gap. Rebecca shared that their library is assessing gaps in delivering accessible programs and HR services, with a focus on understanding their current baseline before adding more services. Rina and Rebecca also discussed the importance of marketing and relationship building. Leigh Anne added that we as a community tend to jump to solutions, but they are taking an information-gathering, gap analysis approach to better understand their current situation.
● (28:53) Skilled Immigrant Info Centre at VPL - Emily Corley
o Emily explained that the centre, which is open to everyone in BC, offers career and job search services, as well as small business support, specifically for newcomers to Canada. She highlighted that the centre provides BC specific resources and guides to alternative careers for those transitioning from highly regulated professions. Emily also mentioned that the centre is funded by the IRCC and Welcome BC, and offers one-to-one information, classes, events, and networking opportunities. She emphasized that the centre is inclusive and does not exclude anyone from its services.
o The Skilled Immigrant Info Center has a physical space located at the Central Library in downtown Vancouver. She explained that the center is open during library hours and staffed by a team of two, including herself. The team provides general career and job search reference questions, but also offers more specialized services for newcomers with in-depth inquiries. The center also offers more than 200 employment guides on various career paths and job search topics, which are regularly updated. Emily also mentioned that the center provides community referrals to other organizations that support newcomers. Emily highlighted the use of a free newcomer service directory, searchable by location or job search help. The centre provides 5 core workshops and all of them have at least one online option.
o Emily highlighted the "Networking in the Hidden Job Market" program, which focuses on networking strategies and understand what networking means, and the "Canadian Workplace Culture and Communication" program, which introduces newcomers to Canadian workplace culture and how it may differ from their home country. Emily also mentioned the "Career and Job Search Tour" and the "How to Use LinkedIn" class. Additionally, she introduced the "Small Business Tour" for those interested in starting their own small business in BC. Emily emphasized that all these programs are free and open to everyone. She also mentioned that the center offers individual help, including advice on career options, exploring small business ideas, and finding job search resources. The center's website, which was shared, contains employment guides for various careers, alternative career options, and resources for finding jobs. The Centre’s website can be accessed from the VPL home page.
● (51:10) ABCPLD Updates
o Heather reminded members that the Fall Business meeting will take place on Wednesday October 30th from 1pm to 4pm and will start with a professional development session with employment lawyer Alissa Demerse followed by our regular business meeting and time to debrief from the PD presentation.
o Heather reminded members to let Jessica know if their library plans to contribute to the Strategic Initiatives Fund for 2025 advocacy work. We will need that support to continue to mount a strong campaign and we currently do not have the funds to sustain advocacy efforts. The partners are currently reviewing government relations firms and will review Earnscliffe as part of that process. Cari met with David Eby to discuss the need for sustained increase to public library funding and the partners will be meeting with the BC Conservative party this week and have reached out to the Green Party. The Partners and Earnscliffe will develop a strategy for engaging trustees and local elected officials in advocacy post-election.
o Newer library directors have a meeting on October 29th at 1pm. Reach out to Jessica if you are interested in attending. Heather thanked Saara and Beth for taking on this work
The next Zoom meeting will be held on November 20th at 1pm to focus on space planning.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
● (00:00) Welcome and Introduction
o Cari welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (00:25) 988 Suicide Crisis Helpline – Helen Davies
o Helen provided an overview of the 988 service, emphasizing its availability for both individuals experiencing crises and those concerned about others. She mentioned that the service is available in most provinces and territories, with 38 partners across BC
o Helen discussed the implementation of a 3-digit suicide prevention service in Canada, which was launched on November 30th, 2022, and is available in English and French, 24/7, free to call and mostly free to text. The service is not exclusive to suicide prevention but also provides support for other mental health issues. She explained the network model of their crisis service, which includes local and national partners, with a focus on supporting specific populations and communities. National responders are always available in case a local responder was not available to pick up a call or text. Helen also detailed the process of calling or texting 988, emphasizing the importance of cultural safety, active listening, and collaboration. She mentioned the availability of support in multiple languages including ASL/LSQ interpretation and the involvement of emergency services in rare cases. 988 responders make every effort to support callers and texters and try various options for safety planning before contacting emergency services.
o Helen also discussed the resources available for free, including posters, wallet cards, social media graphics, fridge magnets, and stickers. These can be ordered from their website and are available for download as well.
o Question regarding how many call centres are operating. There are 38 partners across Canada with 8 in BC. Helen confirmed that all the services are offered for free.
o Helen clarified that the service keeps records of previous interactions, but with strict privacy and confidentiality rules with the goal being that the caller or texter does not have to repeat their stories.
o A question was asked about the qualifications needed to work in a call center, to which Helen responded that the job attracts people from various backgrounds and experiences, with extensive training provided after hiring. Each of the partner organizations have their own recruitment process and training and then responders are required to take additional 988 training
● (19:53) UBCM Convention Updates and Library Advocacy
o Cari shared updates from the UBCM convention, including promoting the Overdue Campaign, advocating for library funding, and presenting a clinic on measuring social impact as well as attending a meeting with Minister Kang. Two library resolutions were introduced, though Cari expressed concern about lack of discussion. Throughout the conference there was a lot of discussion about the importance of public libraries. Jessica explained they did not have a booth at UBCM due to the provincial elections following the conference and the likelihood that many politicians would not be attending as they would be focusing on campaigning in their local ridings. Jessica shared that the plan is to budget for a booth next year. Ursula asked for advice on how libraries could engage in advocacy during the election campaign. Jessica shared that she will share recommendations from Earnscliffe regarding this after their meeting tomorrow.
● (34:10) Membership Dues, Advocacy and Strategic Initiatives
o Cari expressed gratitude for members’ feedback on membership dues and emphasized the importance of continued advocacy in the next year given the upcoming provincial election. Cari appreciated members’ support of advocacy projects through their intentions to contribute to the Strategic Initiatives Fund.
● (35:14) Other Discussion Items
o Wendy raised concerns about teens discussing suicide and self-harm and asked if anyone has a recommendation for books for teens dealing with their peers on this issue. Tina suggested that the 988 Suicide Crisis Helpline can be a resource for those teens as the service is also available to those who may be concerned about someone else’s safety.
The next Zoom meeting will take place on October 16, 2024 at 1:00pm. The Public Libraries Accessibility working group will present an update. The second half of the meeting will entail a presentation from the Vancouver Public Library’s Skills and Immigrant Centre regarding the services they offer.
The Fall Business Meeting will take place on October 30, 2024 from 1pm to 4pm. Their will be a presentation and Q&A with lawyer Alissa Demerse of Roper Greyell LLP. Following this presentation will be our business meeting and an opportunity for members to debrief the lawyer’s presentation.
AUGUST 21, 2024
(0:02) Library Funding, Projects, and Transition Process – Mari Martin
Mari discussed the distribution of funding to library directors and board chairs, emphasizing the importance of up-to-date information and timely changes to bank account details. She also highlighted ongoing projects developed by partners and federations, with a reserved $387,000 to support these emerging opportunities and initiatives. Mari announced the continuation of the Enhancement grant for a second year and that they have completed reading all Grant reports and will share a summary of the themes identified at the next ABCPLD meeting. Mari reported that SOFI’s have all been completed and will be posted to their website in September. She also shared the process of the government going into caretaker mode ahead of an election and the forthcoming strategic plan. The Public Libraries Branch will continue to answer library questions that arise, however, there will be no major funding commitments made during the period prior to the election. Lastly, she discussed the transition to a new government after an election, stressing the importance of being concise and highlighting key issues for partners during this transition. Mari shared her upcoming trip to Japan and assured the members of a smooth transition during her absence.
(16:35) British Columbia Election Update and Public Libraries' Role – Anita Zaenker, Earnscliffe
Anita provided an update on the unpredictable and dramatic political landscape in British Columbia.
Anita discussed the upcoming election in British Columbia, which will be held in 59 days. She highlighted that this will be Premier David Eby's first election leading the BC NDP, and that the BC United, the official opposition, are predicted not to win any seats. The election will start with a week-long political conference, followed by a month-long official writ period, during which one confirmed televised debate among party leaders will take place. Anita also presented a snapshot of the polls, indicating a tight election and a significant shift in public opinion in the past seven months. She emphasized that the cost of living is the top issue for voters, and that public libraries can effectively address this concern by providing access to essential services and resources.
Anita discussed the current political landscape in British Columbia, focusing on the upcoming election. She highlighted the BC NDP's strong financial position, the BC Conservatives' momentum, and the decline of the BC United party. Anita also presented an overview of the parties' platforms and team compositions, emphasizing the BC NDP's focus on healthcare, education, and the economy, the BC Conservatives' emphasis on cost of living, the economy, energy, and the environment, and the BC United's platform on mental health, homelessness, and the BC opioid crisis. She also touched on the BC Green party's focus on the environment and mental health. Anita concluded by stressing the importance of understanding the candidates running in each community and encouraged the use of their candidate tracker for this purpose.
Anita discussed the ongoing campaign by public library partners for an increase in the provincial grant and the importance of gathering intelligence about the community's political landscape. Anita clarified how members can access the candidate tracker document. Members can email Anita who will add emails to the Share Point document. Anita spoke to their suggestions for the BC Library Partners’ clinic presentation at UBCM and the importance of focusing on the social impact of public libraries in communities and how this is measured. Anita also shared that the Partners undertake a soft campaign called “Overdue” throughout the conference which is to draw attention to the provincial grant being cut and frozen and that it is long overdue for an increase. Additionally, the team discussed potential backlash from partnering with the local Chamber of Commerce to host all-candidates meetings, the role of public libraries in community engagement and democracy. Jessica will share more information regarding the Partner’s UBCM clinic presentation regarding impact measurement of public libraries.
(1:00:30) ABCPLD Updates – Jessica Aldred
Jessica thanked members for completing the feedback form on AGM preferences (where to hold it and whether in person or virtual). If you have not already completed the form you can still provide feedback.
Jessica has sent out some updates regarding the Partner’s government relations activities work and will send out additional information regarding the upcoming UBCM clinic and speaking points. Please feel free to reach out to Jessica if you have any questions regarding the advocacy work.
The September monthly Zoom meeting has been pushed back a week because of UBCM and now will be held on September 25th.
The ABCPLD Fall Business meeting will be held on Wednesday October 30th. Jessica will be finalizing details to share with members shortly.
JULY 17, 2024
● (00:01) Welcome and Introduction
o Cari welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (01:25) Sitka Incident Update
o Discussion regarding different approaches to responding to this type of incident in the future
o Discussion regarding the possibility of a more coordinated response rather than individual libraries scrambling to come up with a response
o Suggestion that we do a debrief with the Libraries Coop about this event to discuss lessons learned
o Suggestion that one of the larger libraries with a dedicated privacy officer draft a response for ABCPLD that all libraries can use
● (14:03) Protest Policy and Intellectual Freedom – Wendy Wright
o Wendy shared that they were preparing for a possible protest at their Pride Storytime event and did a search for protest policies of different libraries
o Discussion regarding Adrienne Smith’s presentation on Intellectual Freedom and information that was provided that contradicted current understandings and libraries practices and policies
● (28:45) Open Floor
o Mikale shared that their library is working with the Municipality to put together a grant to the UBCM for disaster risk/prevention to prepare for potential heat emergency. Mikale will share information regarding the grant in the chat
o Stephanie spoke to issue of a staff member wearing a political pin and their work on developing a policy
o Danielle requested feedback regarding how to manage issue of allowing non-service animals in the library during extreme heat events. Suggestion regarding making available water dishes outside the library ideally in shaded areas. Discussion regarding libraries that are officially acting as cooling centres perhaps being able to relax policies regarding this.
o Ursula shared that their library will be celebrating their 100th Anniversary next year. One idea is to have 100 gold library cards but the challenge is to decide who receives those cards. Discussion regarding the possibility of selling the card as a fundraising event.
Next Meeting:
The next Zoom meeting will take place on August 21, 2024 at 1pm. Mary Martin will present as well as consultants from Earnscliffe Strategy Group. More details will be sent via email before the meeting
MAY 15, 2024
● (00:01) Welcome and Introduction
o Cari welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (01:23) Public Libraries Branch Updates
o Mari updated that she has connected with Danika at Fort Nelson PL and shared that they have evacuated primarily to Fort St. John and Dawson Creek. Fort Nelson PL is collaborating with Dawson Creek PL and offering supports and services to their evacuated community.
o The BC Libraries Coop and Public Libraries Branch have both reached out to Danika offering support.
o Mari will email all libraries regarding some other operational challenges experienced lately. The PLB listserv stopped functioning right before the Strategic Plan was to be sent out to members. The Annual Survey and SOFI are due today. Reach out to Mari if you are expecting a delay in submitting these reports. The data input on the Annual Survey is not working correctly and the Branch is working on resolving this. If any library is experiencing specific problems with the Survey please email Aidan.
o Mari reported that the Strategic Plan was sent to libraries for feedback and confirmed that annual funding will roll out in June.
o Denise and Adrienne are still at the PBL as library consultants. Janet has joined the Branch to support the work of the Strategic Plan as well as other projects at the Branch.
o The Strategic Plan has been updated and the Branch is undertaking a very informal consultation regarding the Plan at this point. Please use the comment function within the Word document to provide feedback, questions, comments. Discussion regarding timing for the update of the Strategic Plan given there is an election coming up and possible new government. Jessica will re-share the Strategic Plan with members after today’s meeting
● (35:45) Welcome to New Directors
o Cari welcomed Blair McFarlane from Invermere Public Library and Sally Whitman from Beaver Valley Public Library
● (36:45) Toxic Drug Crisis – Rebecca Burbank
o Rebecca was interested in learning if any libraries had undertaken a legal review about the risk of allowing staff to use Naloxone on the public and also providing Naloxone and training to staff.
o Suggestion to schedule another session to discuss this issue further. Jessica and Cari will look at facilitating another meeting for this.
● (53:06) Updates – Cari Lynn Gawletz
o Cari shared that the Board has been discussing how best to support libraries that have Directors on leave and has decided that when an Acting Library Director has been appointed by the Board, ABCPLD will ensure that they have access to all ABCPLD supports, programs and services. However, when a Director is on vacation and has appointed a team member to take on acting duties then ABCPLD will reach out to this person if there is anything requiring immediate attention but other ABCPLD programs and services will not be offered to that acting director.
Next Meeting:
The next Zoom meeting will take place on June 19th at 1pm. More details to follow as there may be some PD scheduled for the next meeting which may be longer than usual.
MARCH 20, 2024
● (00:03) Welcome and Introduction
o Susan welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (01:05) Member Updates: Indigenous Representation on Boards
o Ben reported that VIRL has 38 local governments at their Board table and that they provide services on the territories of 53 First Nations. VIRL received funding from BC government to work with an indigenous led consulting firm to look at including representation of the 53 First Nations on their Board
o Christina reported that VPL has also received funding to examine inclusive governance with a broader perspective of municipal libraries in BC. The work that VPL does should have the potential for application in other municipal library systems. In 2024 VPL is focusing on background (gather information on existing models of inclusive governance and representation) and relationship building. Christina is hoping that an outcome of this work will be to have a catalogue of options for how to establish inclusive governance. VPL will make available the research they will do this year and will document all the ideas and models they come up with.
o Toby reported that they are in the process of submitting a proposal to PLB to fund a project to do this work for public library associations. Toby shared that she now has clarified with Mary Martin that indigenous individuals living on reserves are considered residents in the district municipality where they live and therefore can run for trustee positions. Toby is hoping that other PLA’s would like to join her in this work in submitting a proposal to PLB.
o Discussion regarding the importance of continuing the work of relationship building with First Nations Councils. Toby suggested that phone calls and emails in small communities may not work and that perhaps visiting in person with an appropriate cultural gift is more effective.
o Susan suggested that Ben, Christina and Toby return later in the year to share updates on their work.
● (50:20) Bill 46
o Brief discussion regarding Bill 46 which is all about Amenity Cost Charges
● (54:55) Updates – Susan Walters
o Susan shared that nominations for the ABCPLD Board are open until April 4, 2024. Two positions are open this year. Cari will shift into the role of Chair and Paul has offered to continue as Treasurer. We have one nomination for Vice Chair but if anyone would like to put their name forward for either the Treasurer or Vice Chair positions please reach out to Susan or Cari.
o The ABCPLD AGM will be held on April 22, 2024 from 2pm to 3:30pm in person at Richmond Public Library and via Zoom.
o Nominations for the ABCPLD Award of Excellence has closed and this year’s recipient will be announced at the AGM
o The April Zoom meeting has been cancelled and the next Zoom meeting will be held on May 15, 2024 at 1pm
o Susan thanked all members who have paid their 2024 membership dues and provided a gentle reminder for those libraries who have not yet paid. Congratulations to Deb who was the winner for the draw for a gift card.
o Susan reported that the Partners are continuing their ongoing advocacy to the Provincial Government. The Chief of Staff for post-secondary education is interested about hearing about public library programs connected to post-secondary education. If any member libraries are working on anything related to this please reach out to Jess and let her know.
o Jess will be away on vacation for 3 weeks after today’s meeting. Members can reach out to Cari and Susan during Jess’ absence.
Next Meeting:
The next Zoom meeting will take place on May 15th at 1pm.
FEBRUARY 21, 2024
● (00:02) Welcome and Introduction
o Susan welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (01:24) Presentation by Tami Setala – BC Libraries Coop
o The Digital Initiatives Fund was one time funding awarded in 2020 for $1.55 million dollars which paid for Tumble Books and LinkedIn Learning for 2 years (2021 & 2022). In 2021 the Covid Relief funds were awarded for 2.5 million which paid for LinkedIn Learning, Overdrive Magazines and Overdrive Hold Relief for 2023 and 2024.
o The current Enhancement Grant consultation group consists of diverse representation from libraries including Prince George, Vancouver Island Regional, North Vancouver District, West Vancouver, Fort St James and Granisle.
o The consultation for the Enhancement Grant will involve a survey looking specifically at digital resources to purchase or to licence. Please complete only one survey per library. The deadline for the survey is March 1, 2024.
o Members can email Tami if they have any questions about the survey
o Beth Davies requested that we share Tami’s presentation outside of this group as many libraries have other staff working on digital resources.
● (20:34) Member Updates – Susan Walters
o Susan welcomed Carolyn Casenas of New Westminster Public Library and Chelsey Boersma-Scott who is back at Midway Public Library
● (21:40) Data Security – Matt Rankin
o Matt requested feedback from members regarding data security when entering new accounts or managing personally identifying data from patrons particularly in relation to the Privacy Act and recent changes with Canada Post
o Discussion regarding obtaining consent and clearing caches from computer systems, implementing a privacy management plan, offering online privacy training for staff regarding handling data. Beth will share privacy information and training they provide for their staff. Deb suggested members review the Privacy Guidelines for Public Libraries that was updated in 2023.
o Discussion regarding ABCPLD offering training regarding this issue
● (36:33) Updates – Susan Walters
o For newer library directors the first Mentorship Facilitated meeting will be on February 28th at 1pm for those who have been library directors for less than 3 years, however, there is some flexibility with this criteria. Please reach out to Jess to sign up. Beth will lead the first meeting.
o Saara requested feedback and support from members regarding dealing with difficult or erratic board members. Members can send Saara a message to connect and share their experience.
o Regarding new trustee orientation there is a Core Governance workshop on Feb. 27th at a cost of $20.00.
o Susan thanked members who have paid their ABCPLD membership dues. To date we have received payments from 52 libraries. Membership dues need to be paid prior to the AGM in order to be able to vote at the AGM.
o Award of Excellence nominations are open and are due by March 15th for the committee to review.
o The ABCPLD AGM will be held on April 22nd at 2pm at Richmond Public Library and will be both in person and hybrid. There is an AGM Feedback Form that needs to be completed so we can determine the number of members who will attend the in person session.
o Leianne shared that due to delays in their repairs from the Jan. 17th flood they experienced they will now be opening a pop-up library location at their local mall.
Next Meeting:
The next Zoom meeting will take place on March 20th at 2pm.
JANUARY 17, 2024
● (00:01) Welcome and Introduction
o Susan welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (01:26) Presentation by Public Libraries Branch - Denise McGeachy and Aidan Fortier
o Denise thanked ABCPLD members who worked with her and Anton regarding the revised template
o How libraries are spending provincial funding dollars is essential information with the template being used to demonstrate how provincial funding impacts libraries. When advocating for improvement to annual operating funding it is essential for government decision makers to understand impact of their funding dollars.
o Aidan shared that they have re-worked the intro section of the template based on feedback from ABCPLD members regarding the template. The first part of the intro section will now focus on whether there are any relevant changes such as demographics, local economy, new issues emerging, etc. The second part of the intro section (Year in Review) is designed to hear from what libraries are doing in response to any of these new issues or provide highlights and report on how provincial funds have supported these issues whether that is annual funding or targeted funding.
o The second section of the template previously focused on specific library projects and now will be broadened to include initiatives as well as projects. This could include core parts of library operations that is made possible by provincial funding.
o The Summary section is to report on library activities and resources or partnerships that libraries have leveraged to achieve the activities
o The Budgetary section is not exclusively for projects or initiatives that have been funded by provincial grants but more to help the Branch understand how provincial funding fits into the broader context of how library activities are funded
o The Rational section is to provide information on why libraries are undertaking initiatives with the use of the enhancement grant
o The Impact section is to highlight what were the impacts on the local community or what the anticipated impact will be on the community
o The Challenges section is used to highlight the local issues that are emerging for libraries with the opportunity to provide information on the level of concern for the challenge and to provide information on what libraries are doing in response to the challenge or what is impeding libraries from responding to the challenge.
o Question from Wendy regarding whether to include major initiatives that weren’t supported by provincial funding in the Year in Review. Denise encouraged members to include this information in the report.
o Question from Ursula regarding the enhancement grant effecting local government funding decisions and whether to report that in the plugger. Aidan and Denise encourage libraries to report that both in the plugger (Challenges section) but also directly in a letter to the PLB for quicker response
● (32:15) Updates – Susan Walters
o Mentorship – last November Susan put out a call for members to join the Mentorship Team. Beth Davies has joined the team and will be working with Stephanie Hall, Marc Saunders, Saara Itkonen and Emma Gillis. Nominations for ABCPLD’s Award of Excellence will be opened up soon via email to members
o New Trustee Orientation – BCLTA will be offering a Core Governance workshop on Feb. 27th from 6pm to 9pm. More information and a registration link will be sent out shortly. BCLTA will also be starting up regular Trustee meet-ups on the first Tuesday of the month (to start in February or March)
o Government relations – ABCPLD along with partners are continuing to advocate with provincial government for a permanent lift to our annual operating funding. The team had a positive meeting with the ADM and Ministry staff which gave indications that they are open and supportive of our ask. Susan shared that the permanent lift to library funding will not likely be part of the 2024 budget but the partners are continuing to build a case and advocate so that it can be part of the 2025/2026 budget ask. We will continue to work with Earnscliffe this coming year and have requested that Anita continue her work with us.
● (37:00) Intellectual Freedom – Anton Dounts
o Anton reported that at a local City Council meeting a person presented a list of materials that he wished to eliminate from SD #27 libraries as well as Cariboo Regional District libraries. There were 70 items on the list with 43 of them located in the District branches. The materials were referenced as presenting inappropriate content. It appears that Canada for Action templates and resources were used. The mayor at the meeting was receptive of this person’s request and this issue has now reached the CEO and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Cariboo Regional District.
o Anton shared that they started revising their Collection Development policies and Request for Reconsideration form in anticipation of this. The form is now very detailed and 3 pages long.
o Anton has contacted the Williams Lake Pride Society to inform them of the situation and suggest they mobilize and be ready with a response such as a complaint before the BC Human Rights Tribunal.
o Ben shared that they are fielding a lot of complaints and concerns regarding third party meeting rooms. This is in relation to the conflict in Israel and Gaza and is looking like it is shifting into a coordinated effort across organized groups in Western Canada and possibly nationally. Discussion regarding different policies libraries have regarding third party meeting rooms.
Next Meetings:
The next Zoom meeting will take place on Tuesday February 21st at 1pm. Tami Setala, Licensing and Business Development Manager, BC Libraries Co-op will be joining us to share the work of the Enhancement Fund Consultation Group. You should have received all the monthly meeting invites for 2024 from Jess. If you are not receiving this information, please reach out to let her know.
The ABCPLD Spring AGM will take place in person and virtual this year and is scheduled for the day before the BCLA conference on Tuesday April 23, 2024 at the Richmond Public Library.
Invoices for membership dues for ABCPLD will be going out shortly. Susan thanked members for their continued support of ABCPLD and shared the importance of having all 71 libraries on board as members and being able to collaborate together. Susan thanked all members who were able to complete the annual member survey which is very helpful in making plans for the year regarding possible professional development opportunities and monthly meet-ups.
Discussion regarding what is resonating with provincial government. Based on meetings with MLA’s and government officials it appears that government wants to hear from libraries in stories and in data about how the enhancement grant and other funding is making a difference.
November 15, 2023
● (00:01) Welcome and Introduction
o Susan welcomed attendees to the meeting
● (00:45) Business Items – Susan Walter
o Susan shared that BCLTA will be providing governance training for our trustees and more details will be shared as they are available.
o Susan thanked all directors who have agreed to act as mentors including Stephanie Hall, Marc Saunders, Saara Itkonen and Emma Gillis. Your expertise and related experience have been very beneficial to members. ABCPLD is looking to recruit new members so please reach out to Jessica if you are interested in becoming a mentor.
o Susan provided an update regarding government relations work. The Library Partners met with Minister Kang as well as with the Library Branch staff team. Minister Kang was very clear in her support for public libraries and asked for information that would help support her advocacy to other levels and departments of government for increased funding. She would like to know how the enhancement grants have been allocated and why we are asking for ongoing funding and not just one-time funding for these funds. Minister Kang would also like data and stories that support our requests, how we partner in our communities to deliver services and programs as well as confirmation that municipalities are not decreasing funding when the province increases funding. Minister Kang stressed the importance of continuing to meet with individual MLA’s. The Partners will have a follow-up meeting with Ministry staff to provide this information and continue to advocate for increased funding. The Partners have started to discuss how to best gather this data to support the ask. Susan requested that members continue to share information regarding how they have used the enhancement grants and feedback from any meetings with MLA’s.
● (8:50) Public Libraries Branch Request
o Susan reported that Mari is looking to establish a small working group (3 to 6 directors) to help influence the template for reporting on the use of enhancement grants and the overall annual library grant report. Mari is looking for information on the rationale and impact of the chosen project. What questions do directors want to answer and be added to the template, what is working with the current template, what questions perhaps need to be removed from the template, etc. It would be great to have directors that represent different libraries across the province. If you are interested in joining the working group, please reach out to Jessica. The bulk of the work will take place in December.
● (11:50) Intellectual Freedom – Wendy Wright
o Wendy spoke to her concerns regarding what is happening in government with regard to intellectual freedom.
o The US has had a progression of book challenges starting in school libraries, to classrooms, to public libraries and then to involvement of politicians with support of parental rights groups. In some US states it is now a felony for having a book that is considered harmful to minors.
o Wendy shared that this type of rhetoric has started to happen in the BC government.
o Discussion regarding the concern that sexual education books are being referred to as cartoon pornography by some political parties. This rhetoric starts in school libraries but very quickly moves into public libraries and was recently challenged in Chilliwack resulting in an RCMP investigation.
o Wendy recommends that we provide the BC government a backgrounder with information and context informing that these allegations of pornography have been investigated by the RCMP and found to be false. Wendy suggests that we convey the message that libraries goals are to protect access to information for everyone rather than advocating for one specific cause.
o Discussion regarding how BCLA can take a role in this. Also, is this something that we ask ABCPLD to take on or the Partners?
o Christina shared that their collections policy ensures that staff handle individual book challenges and that the Board’s roles is at a policy level so they will not hear about individual book challenges and will only hear challenges to policy. Christina presented to her City Council regarding library collection challenges and what intellectual freedom means for public libraries and how this is politically motivated and not about books. Christina will share this presentation to the listserv.
o If the membership feels that ABCPLD should take a more formal stance and write a letter then please let Jessica know. Susan suggested members continue to share so that ABCPLD can track this and identify who has had active challenges.
● (38:14) Trustee Recruitment – Susan Walters
o Libraries have different approaches to recruitment.
o Brian shared their experience as a small rural library. They currently do not have a recruitment strategy. There are limited number of volunteers available in their community. Often the same group of trustees sit on both local community boards and on library boards. The Board’s approach to recruiting trustees is to “ask a friend”. This does not support the need for idea changes.
o Deb shared their experience as a larger urban library. City Council has the prerogative to select library board trustees so it is ultimately the Council’s decision regarding who is appointed. Deb shared that their approach is to augment the City’s recruitment process. The library promotes the recruitment in their library and with community partners and also provides a prospective trustee information session (previously in person and now online) covering what is and what is not the job of a library board, the time commitment required, the number of meetings that will take place, etc. Deb can share the slide deck from this info session. The Library Board reviews all the applications and makes their recommendations based on what they have identified as gaps in skills, knowledge, abilities and demographics on the Board. This then goes as a memo from the Library Board chair to the Council representative appointed to the Library Board.
o Paul shared that they are able to send a letter from their Board Chair to Council sharing how many board members are re-applying for additional terms and sharing the skills and competencies they would like to promote for vacant positions.
● (55:50) FOI Requests – Susan Walters
o Susan reported that a couple of libraries have received FOI requests from CUPE BC with relation to negotiator contracts. If anyone else receives these requests you can reach out to Cari or Paul who have received FOI requests recently.
Next Meetings:
o The next Zoom meeting will take place on January 17, 2024. Jessica will send out meeting invites for 2024.
o The ABCPLD Spring AGM will take place in person and virtual this year and is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday April 23, 2024 in the afternoon. The AGM will be linked to the BCLA conference. Richmond Public Library has offered to host the AGM. Jessica will send out a survey to members regarding topics for the meetings.
October 18, 2023
● (00:01) Welcome and Introduction
o Attendees were welcomed to the meeting
● (1:25) Presentation by Colin Edstrom – Workplace Law Issues
o Colin shared his background with labour and employment law
o Colin opened the floor to questions:
· ORL will be entering into negotiations with both their unions and Danielle was wondering about the status of the current labour market pertaining to unions. Colin spoke about collective agreements during Covid in which for the most part there were no wage increases or minimal increases at most. The length of collective agreements were also relatively short. This stagnation of wages corresponded to historically low interest rates at that time. Now many industries have returned to their pre-pandemic levels and there is an increase in wages. At the same time interest rates have increased. Unions have become more aggressive in their ask as a result of this. Pre-pandemic standard wage increases were in the 2% range whereas current wage increases are higher in the 4% to 6% plus range.
· Matt from Fort St. John Library spoke about negotiations that were tied to cost of living increase rather than a set rate. The union was quite aggressive with an ask for an 8% increase. Colin spoke about whether the threat of strikes or walk-outs are as strong or realistic today given the ability for libraries now being able to provide more services online.
· Discussion regarding the new sick time legislation and how this aligns with sick time policies within existing collective agreements. The Employment Standards Act was revised a few years ago and now requires that collective agreements have to meet or exceed the bare minimums of the Act. After 90 days of employment employees are entitled to 5 paid sick days and 3 unpaid sick days per year. This is calculated similarly to how statutory holiday pay is calculated. Existing collective agreements need to be consistent with this new sick pay legislation. Employers are entitled to request reasonably sufficient proof that the employee was sick. Sick day can be for an injury or illness leave which can be for both mental and physical health reasons. Discussion regarding banked sick time which is not permitted in the new sick time legislation. Compliance with the legislation is on a complaint-based system.
· Discussion regarding whether unions are requesting negotiations around flexible work schedules. This primarily relates to working from home arrangements. This is becoming more prevalent in collective agreement negotiations. How does this relate to work within a library environment given that some work can be done from home but for the most part library staff are needed to work in person. Providing flexible work schedules can be used as an effective bargaining tool as a non-monetary give by the employer. Employers need to remember that once this is included in the collective agreement it will remain and cannot be removed from the agreement.
· Discussion regarding the trend for 4-day work weeks. Colin shared that the government was not prepared to revise the Employment Standards Act to reflect 4-day work weeks. Employers may already have averaging agreements at their disposable. Colin believes that we will see a modified work week in legislation in the next few years that will largely be driven by the private sector. Some municipalities have successfully adopted a 4-day work week. Libraries provide a community benefit and perhaps may experience push back from the public if a library were to adopt 4-day work weeks.
· Discussion regarding the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation stat holiday and how this relates to existing collective agreements. To eligible for this, employees must have worked for 15 of the preceding 30 calendar days and must have been employed for at least 90 days. The eligibility is the same as for other stat holidays such as Christmas, BC Day, etc. Discussion regarding averaging agreements and in lieu agreements within existing collective agreements.
● (59:20) Update on Government Relations Activities
o Susan thanked members for reaching out to their MLA’s and for sharing feedback and updates which Jessica is compiling. The Partners have a meeting with Minister Kang on Oct. 26th. Susan requested that members share information regarding how they have used their enhancement grant funding in order to demonstrate the impact of this funding when meeting with the Minister. Susan would like to give as many examples as possible from both larger urban libraries and smaller rural libraries. Discussion regarding libraries using the enhancement grant to fund temporary staff positions and whether or not asking for continued funding from local governments for the continuation of these positions once the enhancement funding is depleted.
o Susan will send out an email regarding feedback from Earnscliffe regarding the report from CULC: Overdue: The Case for Canada's Public Libraries. The 3 key recommendations from the report dovetail precisely into our current ask of the BC government. Earnscliffe, however, recommends that we focus on our current ask given it is a fairly large ask that can really benefit BC public libraries. The Partners will be sharing this report with government in a follow-up meeting.
● (1:06) Strategic Planning – Rebecca Burbank
o Powell River is about to embark on a strategic planning process and has engaged Andrea Freeman (former ED at ABCPLD) as a consultant. Andrea has proposed that other libraries who are in the strategic planning process be invited to join in with Powell River in order to have a group dialogue on some common points and be able to take advantage of cost sharing. If any libraries are interested, please reach out to Andrea who will share the proposal that she has shared with Rebecca.
o Port Moody Library will be starting up with their strategic planning process soon and would be interested.
o Hilary shared that the price point Andrea is offering is very reasonable and confirmed that the strategic planning will still be customized for individual libraries.
● (1:11) Other items – Susan Walters
o Susan shared that a couple of libraries are interested in exploring the process of becoming more independent of their municipality district and are wondering if other libraries have undertaken this process or are currently exploring this. Susan will put this question out to the listserv.
o Some libraries are interested in learning more about using e-resources as a way of using their enhancement grant. Susan suggested establishing a smaller working group amongst members. Deb suggested reaching out to Tammy at the Co-op and the Licencing Business Function Group who would be able to share their expertise and suggest best options. Susan and Jessica will follow-up with interested Directors.
o Susan reported that the calendar invites are working effectively. If anyone is having any issues please reach out to Jessica.
Next Meetings:
o The Fall Business Meeting will be held on October 26, 2023 and has been pushed back to a 2pm start because of the meeting with Minister Kang before the meeting.
o The last Zoom meeting for this year will be held on November 15, 2023 at 1pm.
September 20, 2023
(11:52) Welcome and Introduction
Attendees were welcomed to the meeting
Susan welcomed and introduced our new ABCPLD Executive Director, Jess Aldred
Susan shared that Geneva Blair is the new Acting Director at Midway Public Library
(14:00) Presentation by Public Library Accessibility Working Group – Chris
Lytle, Untapped Accessibility
Susan introduced members of the Working Group, Rina Hadziev and Leigh Anne Palmer who are present today
Chris addressed four questions that arose amongst the membership regarding compliance with the Accessible BC Act:
What needs to be on a library’s website/within their facilities to demonstrate compliance with the Act?
the only requirement is that the Accessibility Plan has to be put on the website/published to the public. You can put this in PDF form, Word form or via an HTML link
at this time the BC government is not looking for strict compliance or to penalize organizations
Chris has provided a link to Developing your first Accessibility Plan
What does a process look like for an Accessibility Committee reviewing feedback?
All feedback should be reviewed but there are 4 factors that a committee should be looking at when reviewing feedback: is it reasonable, relative, actionable and measurable
For example, feedback can be received to make print larger on a website. This is both reasonable and actionable
Feedback unrelated to accessibility does not have to be reviewed
For relevant feedback received, Chris recommends bringing that feedback to a library’s accessibility advisory committee who can provide lived experience and expertise
What level of feedback/information is appropriate to bring to your committee?
Chris recommends that in the beginning you should share everything with your committee
As you mature and develop a relationship with your committee you will be able to determine what is or is not important to share with your committee
How do you respond to an auditor concerned about gift-card based honorariums for committee members?
If you are providing a financial honorarium for volunteer work there is a maximum of $500 you can provide without having to issue a T4. If it’s over $500 a T4 will need to be issued and will impact income supports received by committee members and possible claw backs to income received
Chris is suggesting asking the committee members what they would like to receive thereby giving them the power and dignity to make decisions that are best for them
Leigh Anne shared that Disability BC is checking in with organizations regarding where they are in their accessibility process
Chris pointed out the Resources page of his presentation that members can access. The presentation slides will be shared with members after today’s meeting. Jessica will distribute to members
Untapped Accessibility offers one-on-one free support for libraries to answer questions and to develop and review your plan. Rina pointed out that this service is free for now so members should utilize this service.
Libraries who have a shared accessibility plan with their municipality can also access this service from Untapped Accessibility. Rina pointed out that municipalities have also received significant funding for this work
(41:00) Update on Government Relations Activities
Susan updated members that a formal ask has been made in writing to Minister Kang to increase provincial funding to $30 million annually
Co-chairs Rina and Kevin have met with the new chief of staff in Municipal Affairs to start building that relationship and we are requesting an in-person meeting with Minister Kang in the next month or so
Jess has sent out the key messages to members who are encouraged to have conversations with their MLA’s and share those key messages and also narrow it down to what that means in your individual communities
After meeting with Minister Kang, the Partners will reach out to meet with other key contacts in government. Earnscliffe is putting together a list for the Partners
A Google form request has been sent by email to members to share information regarding how libraries are planning to use their funding. This will be helpful for other library directors as well as provide information to Earnscliffe. A separate form should be completed for each project. Jess will re-send this form to members as a stand-alone email
Suggestion that members reach out and speak with all their MLAs from all political parties given that we are heading into an election next Fall
Some libraries are considering getting together to have a combined meeting with their MLAs
Jess requested that feedback from members about their meetings and conversations with MLA’s would be very useful information to have to help inform our follow-up conversations with the Minister. Jess will send out mechanisms for that feedback and would appreciate any feedback members can provide
Susan shared that the Partners have decided to not be present at UBCM this year because libraries just received a large amount of funding and there was no new campaign that we were going forward with at this point. Earnscliffe suggested that energy would be better spent by having one-on-one conversations with MLAs
Discussion regarding the importance of stressing that the recent provincial funding was for enhancement grants and that this funding is not meant to replace funding by local governments. Public Libraries Branch has also been very clear about this with local governments
(1:08) Mentorship Program
If any directors are able to participate in this program please reach out to Jess. We have a number of new directors and acting directors that the Mentorship Program can provide some support to
(1:11) Public Libraries Branch – Mari Martin
Mari shared that BC will be proclaiming Library Month in October. Mari will email the official proclamation to members in PDF format. Mari shared that Minister Kang is considering visiting a library during Library Month. If a library is planning an event, you can reach out to the Ministers office to invite Minister Kang
Typical Week survey is coming up this Fall and this optional survey will likely be distributed in the third week of October. The Libraries Branch will be hosting some data workshops
The Libraries Branch is reviewing its strategic plan and doing some updates
Question regarding digital licencing that will be funded. Mari updated that the plan is to have licences in place for January 2024
In preparation for March 1st annual reporting, Mari will speak with ABCPLD executive regarding ways to best gather information about enhancement grants and will do some updates to the reporting template
Next Meetings:
The next Zoom meeting will be held on October 18, 2023 but will shift to 1pm to 2pm
The Fall Business Meeting will be held on October 26, 2023 from 1pm to 3pm
Email communications will go out to members regarding these meetings
JULY 7, 2023
● (0:05) Welcome and Introduction
o Attendees were welcomed to the meeting
● (0:48) ED Hiring Update
o Susan shared that the recruitment has been going very well with 6 shortlisted candidates that were interviewed
o The hiring committee has unanimously decided on a candidate and will be presenting an employment offer. Susan will announce the candidate once the employment contract has been accepted and signed
o This candidate has a diverse background with a lot of advocacy experience
● (2:38) Library Partners Update
o Susan shared the Partners table is waiting for the new ED to be in place and take a lead role in creating shared general advocacy messaging by September for members to then share that messaging in the community, with MLA’s and funders so that everyone is advocating in one direction with shared language
● (4:31) Enhancement Grants
o The new ED is to compile a list of the many ideas that were shared on the listserv with regard to how to use these funds and identify common threads. This will also help with reporting and demonstrating the impact the funds were able to have
o Discussion and clarification that these funds are in no way meant to replace funding by local municipal governments
o Question regarding the decision-making process directors have used to frame and strategize their discussions with their teams (municipality, trustees, etc) regarding the use of the grants
o Discussion regarding concerns directors have regarding how municipal funding levels may reduce regardless of how the intent of the grant is framed and presented
o Question regarding the possibility of investing portions of the enhancement grant into GIC’s given that for many libraries the funds won’t be spent right away but rather over the next 3 years. Many libraries are choosing to invest in GIC’s
o Suggestion about the importance of reiterating that the enhancement grant funding is addressing a historical shortfall. Susan shared that Mary Martin has strongly suggested that we move away from language that is focused on funding shortfalls and instead focus our message and language on sustained, secured and ongoing funding
● (36:07) Mentorship Program
o We have a number of new library directors on board and more directors to come. We have a Mentorship Team in place from 2021-2022 of which 4 directors are currently members and a few that have retired. Susan will be reaching out those directors still on the Team. Please reach out to Susan or Cari if you are interested in being a mentor for a new director.
● (38:30) Powell River Public Library Update
o Rebecca shared that their library has signed off on their new collective agreement for a 5-year term with 3% across the board
o Rebecca shared that job evaluation was a significant theme that came up during the negotiations and now they have an internal evaluation process based on ensuring that there are equitable wages for the roles within their organization. Safety and responsibility were also big topics at the table
● (42:00) Other Agenda Items
o Discussion regarding using libraries as cooling/warming and clean air centres and the level of staffing that would be required and whether libraries can share staffing with city or regional district staff. Some directors shared that they had agreements in place with their local governments to be reimbursed for staffing costs
o There will be no Zoom meeting in August
o Susan will update members via the listserv regarding the hiring of the new ED
june 14, 2023
● (0:28) Welcome and Introduction
o Attendees were welcomed to the meeting
● (1:05) Presentation by BC Librarys Cooperative – Tami Setala
o Tami requested input from members about the $10 million enhancement grant allocated to the Coop which can be distributed over multiple years
o The Coop has had two one-time grants over the past several years. The current Covid Recovery grant is being used to fund Overdrive Magazines and shared licence for all BC libraries for Linked in Learning with the licence being paid up to February 2025
o Tami shared options for the use of the enhancement funds:
Continue funding Overdrive Magazines and Linked in Learning beyond 2025 for all libraries across the province
Funding other province wide suite of products other than Linked in Learning such as Canopy Plus (unlimited use package of titles), Press Reader (digital newspaper) and Ancestry. These were the top 3 products that libraries suggested from previous surveys
Devise an opt-in model to provide libraries a credit for purchasing licenced content from the Coop giving libraries more choice and flexibility
A hybrid model encompassing the above options
o Discussion regarding the greater impact of province wide licencing as opposed to credits for libraries
o Suggestion made that the Coop provide members with more details about the different products available for purchase so that libraries can make a more informed decision and respond to a poll or survey at a later date rather than polling members at today’s meeting
o Tami requested feedback regarding other ideas for the use of funds:
Products that libraries can subscribe to around training for staff such as CCDI membership
Review usage statistics and pay for the top used databases that libraries are subscribing to in order to free up funds for libraries to be redirected elsewhere
o Discussion regarding the Federations and BCLA also considering use of their enhancement funds for some of these initiatives and not duplicating products or services to be offered to libraries. Tami clarified that the Coop will be having these conversations at the partner’s level
o Tami suggested that members email her with a list of resources that they are interested in purchasing
o Tami will create a survey for members to provide feedback and will then communicate the results for further feedback and then hopefully make decisions to move forward
o Discussion regarding the possibility of holding some of the funds to be invested for future use so that alternative licencing models and potential new content sources can be considered
o Discussion regarding using a portion of the funds for e-books as many libraries have experienced an increased demand for these collections
● (41:50) ABCPLD Updates – Susan Walters
o Susan reported about the Library Partners presentation to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. The Partners didn’t present as a group but presented separately with shared messaging for a $30 million dollar ask
o Executive Director recruitment – this is an “open until filled” posting. If members know of any potential candidates please ask them to apply
● (45:10) Indigenous Representation on Library Boards – Christina de Castell
o Christina updated members that their library along with Lilloeet Library and Vancouver Island Regional Library wrote a joint letter to the Province on behalf of their boards to say that there are barriers to indigenous representation from their local nations on their boards. More information will be provided at a future meeting
● (52:29) Additional Funding Update – Susan Walters
o Susan had a meeting with Mari Martin about the 2023 funding and shared that libraries should receive their letters and their funding by the end of June. Mari is still working on the model for the allocation of funding
● (53:30) Other Agenda Items – Susan Walters
o Decriminalization legislation and libraries and the working from home survey will be forwarded to a future Zoom meeting agenda
o The July Zoom meeting will take place the 2nd Wednesday of the month. We will not have a meeting in August and will resume meetings in September
o Susan announced that Jim Bertoia is retiring from Sparwood Public Library after over 40 years of service in Sparwood
May 17, 2023
(0:05) Welcome and Introduction
· Attendees were welcomed to the meeting
(1:17) Presentation by BCLA – Rina Hadziev
· A brief update regarding the activities of the Public Libraries Accessibility Working Group was provided:
· The Working Group has met with a number of consultants who can support the work of public libraries to come into compliance with the Accessibility Act and have selected Untapped Accessibility. Cari will reach out to members in the next couple of weeks with information regarding how libraries can book time with the consultant. There will be both group and one-to-one training opportunities.
· An update on BCLA activities was also provided:
· The BCLA AGM is coming up on June 14th. BCLA will be providing other disability/accessibility training opportunities as well as will continue with anti-racism work with a report to be released shortly. As part of the provincial surplus funding BCLA received $300,000 to provide a 3-year provincial professional development offering. BCLA will work with Federations to ensure that their training and professional development is complementary and not conflicting with other training in both content and timing. BCLA will be reaching out to library directors and library workers to provide feedback and input and will be hiring a temporary staff person whose first task will be to do a needs assessment about training and learning. Rina shared that BCLA will work to gather information and share with other sector organizations.
(18:58) One-time Funding Discussion
· The discussion started with a number of questions from attendees:
· There was a question regarding a shared communication approach for acknowledging the government for the funding. Leigh Anne clarified that Earnscliffe is working on a template thank you letter which will be distributed shortly.
· There was a request for clarification regarding the allocation formula for the distribution of the one-time funding grant. Susan clarified that operational grants are based on the per capita formula which doesn’t always benefit some smaller rural libraries. For the enhancement grant, Mari used a different formula that provides a greater benefit to smaller libraries.
· There was a discussion regarding the importance of continuing to advocate for lifting the funding freeze now rather than waiting for changes to come in 2026. Susan shared that Mari strongly suggested that our ask be more forward focused rather than looking backwards and that we adjust our language accordingly. The discussion moved to how to frame our ask without losing the impact that historical freezes in funding has had on libraries.
· Attendees shared ideas for the use of one-time funding grant, including:
· mental health and safety
· violence prevention training
· accessibility work
· purchase of e-books
· recruitment and retention
· community outreach with seniors
· service extension with rise in population
· staffing position tied to reconciliation and indigenous policy planning
· staffing position for social worker
· staffing for special programming
· improved furnishing for branches
· emergency and disaster planning
· strategic planning
May 10, 2023
(0:05) Welcome and Introduction
Attendees were welcomed to the special meeting
(0:30) Presentation by Public Libraries Branch – Mari Martin
Susan welcomed Mari Martin (PLB) and Tara Faganello (Assistant Deputy Minister from Ministry of Municipal Affairs)
Tara provided a general introduction, and spoke about the $45M in funding as an acknowledgement of the provincial role in improving and enhancing library services across BC.
The funding was part of the 2022-2023 budget which is why the $45M had to be distributed by the Ministry’s fiscal year end of March 31, 2023.
The $45 million is in addition to the annual $14 million in funding that is distributed each Spring.
There was a general discussion and a number of questions:
Christina asked for clarity regarding the allocation of the annual funding and shared that they are reluctant to commit to projects without having this information first. Mari shared that they don’t have a plan in place as of yet for the distribution of the $14 million and wants feedback regarding what is or isn’t working with the current grant structure as well as what members feel is the most important factor for the Ministry to consider.
Members stressed the importance of having flexibility regarding the use of funding.
Mari clarified that reporting will not change and will be folded into the annual accountability survey.
There was a question regarding the 2023-2024 $14M funding and the allocation between libraries directly and partner/sector organizations. Mari clarified that most of the $14 million, if not all, will go directly to libraries because the sector organizations have already received their 3-year funding in March 2023.
MARCH 8, 2023
(0:05) Welcome and Introduction
Leigh Anne welcomed everyone to the meeting.
(1:40) Presentation by Public Libraries Branch – Mari Martin
$45 million in one-time surplus funding was provided to public libraries within the 2023 budget. There will still be $14 million in funding for the base budget for fiscal 2023/24. Libraries will likely be receiving their letters on March 31st. The funding is for 3 years but there will be no timelines and limited spending parameters so it is highly flexible.
2023 annual grants to libraries will be allocated in March instead of June. The Libraries Branch will be using the 2021 Census data. Libraries will see increases in terms of per capita grants. Plus, libraries will be receiving one-time, “enhancement” grants from the surplus funding. Grants will also be distributed to Library Services and sector associations, including to the Coop to support shared digital collections.
There was discussion regarding the funding formula for the operational funding. Mari clarified that there isn’t a new formula; the annual funding will use the same formula but will instead use the 2021 census data. Mari explained that they have applied protections so that libraries should not have decreases in their annual base funding, even if their populations decreased.
The one-time enhancement grant will be using a similar formula used for Covid Relief and Recovery funding.
There was discussion regarding municipalities potentially reducing their funding. It was agreed that using language that emphasizes “enhancing” and “augmenting” would reinforce that this is supplemental funding, not replacement.
There were a number of questions posed:
Question regarding timing of funding. Mari clarified that $45 million to be distributed now until March 31st and then $14 million for the 2023-2024 fiscal year (for the 2023 grants to libraries).
Question regarding the communication plan for this new surplus funding and what can be discussed with the board or trustees. Leigh Anne suggested that directors can have operational discussions with their board and trustees, however, holding off on more public announcements via social media, etc
Question regarding whether libraries can expect some additional funding even if there has been no increase in population or only marginal increase in population within a community. Mari clarified that all libraries will receive some portion of the enhancement funding and distribution will be calculated similar to the Covid Recovery Funding.
It was suggested that members share information regarding their plans for the use of these funds. Leigh Anne will schedule a meeting to brainstorm ideas.
(52:35) Discussion regarding Drag Queen Storytime
Deb shared that they had their event this last Saturday with 95 participants with much success and very little protest. Deb shared that they had reached out to the RCMP prior to the event and worked with them in the planning of the event. RCMP did decide to be present in the plaza area. Deb has put together an information kit which she can share with members.
Not all libraries, unfortunately, have had a similar positive experience. Nelson Library has decided to cancel their event.
(57:57) ABCPLD AGM and Business Meeting
Leigh Anne reminded members to please RSVP for the AGM.
February 15, 2023
(0:08) Welcome and Introduction
Leigh Anne welcomed everyone to the meeting
(2:06) Presentation by New to BC – Reena Didi-Bansal, Jody Johnson
New to BC is funded by the federal government with the goal to raise awareness about library services and other services that are relevant to newcomers of BC via their website, social media and the Library Champions Project.
The Library Champions Project is a volunteer community outreach initiative where newcomer library champions are trained to conduct outreach and raise awareness about library services with other newcomers in their communities.
Rena delivers the program virtually to libraries across BC and specifically in Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island, Prince George, Kootenays and the Northwest. Rena has had great success running the program in the Okanagan and Greater Victoria. There are some communities such as the Northwest and the Kootenays where it has been more challenging primarily due to demographics and the lack of newcomers or service providers
Jody shared that outside of metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, the program is delivered regionally and asked the group to help identify regions that the program should be operating in next. They are hoping to reach isolated newcomers who are living in smaller and remote communities across the province.
(29:50) Update from Accessibility Working Group
Cari informed attendees that the Public Libraries Accessibility Working Group has put in an application for funding to DABC for $100,000 to $150,000 for consulting. Organizations will be able to apply to the Working Group to engage consultants to assist them to be in compliance with the legislation (i.e. to help write your accessibility plan or create your accessibility committee). A practicum student is working on determining which consultants to have for the project.
Cari shared that there will be a session on Accessibility Legislation at the BCLA Conference and Beyond Hope.
(33:30) ABCPLD AGM and Business Meeting
An invitation will be sent out to members for the AGM, to be held on April 11th at VPL. The AGM will have a professional development component with two speakers who are Justin McElroy, Municipal Affairs reporter for CBC, and Ron Mattusi, acting CAO in many different municipalities across BC.
(37:10) Update regarding Partners
Leigh Anne provided an update on the Provincial Advocacy Initiative work. At the end of last month Leigh Anne and Kevin from the Coop met with Minister Kang at Burnaby Public Library for an introductory meeting. This was also an opportunity for the partners to speak about our funding ask. The partners have asked for 3-year Provincial Stabilization funding to stress the importance of needing operational funding particularly given inflation, etc.
The partners have asked the consultant, Earnscliffe, to pull together an action plan around UBCM.
January 18, 2023
(0:06) Welcome and Introduction
Members and guests were welcomed everyone to today’s meeting
(1:08) Adrienne Wass, Public Libraries Branch
In November 2021 the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act was amended. Since then, the PLB has been working on updating privacy guidelines for public libraries. They will be ready for distribution soon.
There are two amendments affecting libraries: the requirement to have a privacy management program and to implement mandatory privacy breach reporting should there be a possibility of harm to an individual.
Resources are available through the BC Government website. Templates and guides are available as well as individual help available through the privacy helpline for more general questions. A webinar will be held with privacy experts/lawyers that will be recorded.
There was a question regarding what constitutes a privacy management program. Adrienne clarified that this consists of the policies and practices that libraries have for protecting privacy which are likely already in place in libraries. There is a template available for help with this as well. Adrienne will send an email with more information and links to resources.
(9:50) Partners Update
Leigh Anne emailed a partners update earlier today to members providing a high-level overview with where we are with the Provincial Advocacy Initiative. Susan provided the following summary highlights :
Partners met with three government relations firms in the first week of January and selected Earnscliffe Strategies to support our GR work.
The provincial government has a 5.8 billion surplus available for spending. Earnscliffe has been tasked with supporting us as we put forth our ask for some of this funding
(11:50) Update from Accessibility Working Group
Cari Lynn updated that the group met with the Disability Alliance of BC last week to obtain more information about what is forthcoming for libraries.
In the next month or two the Disability Alliance of BC will provide a toolkit, templates, etc for forming accessibility committees. There will be some form of funding available for individual libraries to hire consultants if necessary. Cari Lynn will have another update in early February.
Cari Lynn reminded members that only your accessibility plan and committee is required for submission
(19:35) Update regarding Drag Queen Storytime
Todd G shared that CPL has run a drag queen story time program twice. There were a small number of protestors during the first session. Leading up to the second event the library received some threats requiring the presence of police on standby. There were over 200 protestors and activist groups resulting in some pushing and shoving. Todd shared that they did hire third party security which wasn’t effective and suggested that members be careful when hiring security and ensure beforehand that they will be assigned with individuals who are trained in managing extreme conflict.None of the protestors were able to enter the library so conflict and protest took place outside.
Todd stressed the importance of having a contingency plan in place in the event that the library was breached or there ends up being interaction with protestors and children.
Despite the protests, this is an extremely important program for the community. The library received a lot of positive feedback from patrons. The first session was attended by 75 people whereas the second session had about 300 people in attendance. The program was a great success and was driven and managed by library staff who were very satisfied with the outcome.
There was discussion regarding how to assess the capability of a performer/drag queen and the choice of books read. Members can reach out to Todd’s team if they are interested in running this program.There was discussion regarding the space that was used for the event. The room was designed for 120 people and there was only one entrance into the library so that staff could control who entered the room. Only parents with children were allowed into the room with some consideration for teenagers wanting to attend. No single adults were allowed. Room dividers were opened to accommodate the 300 people who actually ended up attending the program. The event had program staff, program managers and directors in attendance. Todd suggested that libraries that don’t have enough staff consider having volunteers to assist.
December 14, 2022
(0:05) Welcome and Introduction
Leigh Anne welcomed everyone to the meeting
(0:35) Ministry of Citizen Services – Chris Ellis and Greer Olsen
The Ministry is undertaking public engagement to learn more about public knowledge and understanding of the BC Services Card App, online government services and digital identity specifically with the hopes of informing a greater marketing and promotional campaign
Chris is hoping to work with libraries as a way to connect with a handful of people in hard-to-reach areas (i.e., rural and remote areas, individuals who don’t understand online services but seek help at libraries with this)
Chris is requesting librarians to participate in a short workshop/meeting to talk about their experiences in how they support patrons with accessing government services
Leigh Anne suggested that Chris provide his email in the chat so that interested members can contact him about joining the working group
Chris is particularly interested in connecting with libraries in rural or remote areas to reach out to users who would be interested in being interviewed. Chris will provide information/communication materials for library staff to share with users. Compensation is available for both patrons and library staff who participate in interviews (approx. $40)
Chris is also interested in working with libraries that are servicing users that are unhoused/underhoused or are marginalized
(27:00) Open Round Table Discussion
Bargaining updates:
Cari shared that their bargaining in Grand Forks has completed though not ratified as of yet and that the overall outcome was positive with reasonable increases
Many members haven’t started bargaining process and/or there are many compensation reviews underway at the moment
Question about what the general consensus is regarding increase in wages. Many libraries are suggesting 3% to 3.5% increase.
Budget process:
Discussion regarding breaking down proposed budget increases into each component of the budget’s cost centres rather than presenting an overall budget increase
Discussion regarding the benefit of presenting all revenue sources to highlight that libraries are receiving funds not just from their local governments and also highlighting the percentage drop in provincial revenue
Discussion regarding change in council members/committee members and the resulting need to re-educate. Susan suggested sending a welcome memo to new council members as soon as they are elected to share information about the library, perhaps provide a copy of annual reports
Susan shared that their Fund Development Committee undertook a fundraising campaign by sending emails to all active cardholders over the age of 18 (letters sent to 44,000 cardholders). The library received over 200 donations ranging in amounts from $10 to $1500 for a total of $12,000 raised. Susan will share the messaging they used for this campaign
Discussion regarding whether there are tips and best practices documented regarding finance and budget presentation and fiscal transparency. Leigh Anne shared that ABCPLD has identified finance, including budgeting and bookkeeping, as a future topic for a professional development session and will note adding tips and best practices as a component of this session. Ursula will re-share a presentation she did a few years ago regarding budgeting. Rebecca also offered to share information regarding budget presentations
(52:04) Provincial Advocacy Initiative (PAI)
Leigh Anne reported that we have met our budget goal for the 2-to-3-year initiative and have raised about $165,000 from public libraries and their boards from both small and larger libraries
In the past month the partners have been working on a project charter that Leigh Anne will share with the group in the new year so members can share with their boards. This will provide a very high-level scope of the project. The partners are working on a project plan which will outline the goals of the project and how those will be accomplished.
The scope of the project is provincial advocacy and in particular advocating for increased operational funding for public libraries
In the first week of January the partners will be interviewing about four government relations firms who will bring high level preliminary strategies that they would use to move the advocacy work forward. The partners are hoping to make a quick decision so that some real headway can be made as we move into the next budgeting cycle.