Zoom Meetup Recording & Notes
January 19, 2022
(0:15) Welcome and Introduction
o Leigh Anne Palmer welcomed attendees
(1:54) Session with Mari Martin
o PLB will be distributing important emails in the coming days. The Ministry listserve is having some issues so if you do not receive emails in the next three days please reach out to Mari or the LLB list.
o The deadline for the Provincial Library Grant Report has been extended to March 18. Libraries will receive an email with information about the report, what questions will be asked and the revision of timeline. PLB is recommending boards review and sign off on the report. A new section has been added to the template so that libraries have the opportunity to share current challenges and issues. Please use the template to provide answers to core questions. Annual reports may be attached as well. The Ministry will be hosting some in person information sessions.
o Accessible BC Act update. The Accessibility Directorate surveyed 240 organizations including libraries and the survey revealed that libraries are already champions of accessibility. Libraries will be recommended to be within the first cohort of public sector organizations to move forward with part three of the Act. More information will be forthcoming.
o Covid. PLB is in the process of seeking some clarity regarding the latest PHO from December 17th. Mari also reported that they are anticipating a workplace order which is still not published. WorkSafe does have information on their website which hasn’t changed significantly. Mari suggests that libraries follow this guidance and template in terms of your Covid safety plans for staff. Mari will continue to summarize PHO information and send out links to libraries.
o Regarding the Accessibility Act and potential infrastructure and capital implications, Elizabeth suggested we strategize how to provide the province our feedback through BCLTA. Leianne has prepared a summary of the Accessibility Act for her board and will share with the group. Leigh Anne will invite the Secretariat to discuss next steps around the Act. Christina shared that The Rick Hansen Foundation may have grants available to conduct an assessment of your facilities and then additional grants available to implement recommendations to enhance facilities. There are likely other sources of funding for this type of work.
(26:15) Omicron Update
o Leigh Anne launched a poll to the group to complete regarding demographics and challenges experienced with Covid and Omicron and shared results of the poll. There are a number of libraries experiencing staffing shortages, reduced hours, reductions in services and some increases in staff working from home. Many libraries are hosting virtual programs at this point with a few libraries still hosting both virtual and in-person programming.
(29:50) Covid Safety Plans and Business Continuity Plans
o Discussion regarding whether or not libraries are supplying N95 masks to staff. Many libraries are concerned about both the costs of N95 masks and lack of availability. Discussion regarding discussions with unions requesting N95 masks be provided. It was suggested that libraries can decide not to provide N95 masks until Dr. Henry makes it an official requirement. Currently, the recommendation is for 3 layer masks with a medical mask for added protection.
o Discussion regarding contact tracing. Scott shared that prior to Omicron the confirmed Covid cases amongst his staff were not contracted from within the workplace and that they will not conduct contract tracing unless they are ordered to do so.
o Discussion regarding which libraries have mandatory vaccination policies and suggestion for ABCPLD to update previous survey regarding this.
(46:40) Cyber Incident Response Plans
o The group was asked if there was interest in having this as an item for discussion at a future meeting. The group decided this would be helpful.
The next Zoom Call meeting will be held on Wednesday February 16, 2022 from 2pm to 3pm.