Directors Zoom Recordings & Notes
July 14, 2021
Notes from the call
Mari Martin is not able to attend the meeting today and will return for the next meeting
(0:45) Step 3 of BC Restart Plan follow-up
Feedback that WorkSafe webinar was helpful
BCCDC has recently updated their website
Susan will share their Communicable Disease Plan they created using the WorkSafe template; plan was not difficult to prepare as many policies were already in place
Elizabeth shared how positive it is to have library filled with patrons; some positive outcomes have emerged from this experience such as changing operating hours; Ursula shared they are considering changing their hours and was wondering what other libraries are doing; Elizabeth shared that they will survey the public about hours of operation to target opening times that are better suited to and used by the community; Hillary spoke about restoring hours in relation to being able to continue with new virtual services that resulted from Covid and using this as an opportunity to request increased funding; some libraries will not be returning to full opening hours
(15:05) Survey re: Funding
Hillary is curious about how municipal funding is structured with other libraries and has created a quick 2 question survey to the group
Andrea launched the poll and shared the results
Does any library have a hybrid model of funding; discussion regarding municipal libraries surpluses being returned to the municipality; discussion regarding budgeting and goal of spending monies that were budgeted by year end; discussion regarding some libraries who have a general reserves allocation with the municipality; Susan shared that in Richmond any surplus is the library’s and the library board determines how the surplus is spent; some regional library’s invoice member jurisdictions twice a year with the funds going to the board; Ursula shared that they have surplus and have to explain where that surplus is coming from to the City which does not require the surplus to be returned to them
(37:15) Updates/Questions/Open Floor
Matt wondered about how other libraries are navigating controversies and social media exchanges; discussion regarding strategy of making one statement, often pointing out corrections, and then staying out of the social media engagement; suggestions were made to have a statement available on the library’s website and for keeping communication channel open with the City in terms of communicating your position and what the library is planning to post publicly; discussion re: sharing with staff to not engage
Andrea shared that she and Elizabeth met with Minister Osborne for an introductory meeting; Andrea shared that they have asked for increased funding of $22 million in 2022; all the partners felt that overall it was a very positive first meeting and Minister Osborne is a good listener, very receptive and asked good questions; Elizabeth shared that it was clear that Minister Osborne has awareness of the role of the modern library and how libraries serve their communities beyond books and literacy; Andrea will report about the meeting via email to members
Discussion regarding continued lobbying by UBCM and continuing with a unified voice; Andrea will be sending a recap of the conversation with the Minister (speaking notes) so that the messaging is the same; Andrea will also share the presentation to the Minister; discussion regarding perhaps having library boards sending out letters to support the advocacy work of the partners; discussion regarding what role library boards, many of whom have seasoned politicians as members, can play in leveraging the advocacy work of the library partners; discussion regarding individual meetings with and written submissions to the Select Standing Committee and perhaps not using a form letter but instead identifying key speaking points to be covered in individual library letters
Andrea will share the group’s feedback at their partner’s meeting tomorrow and will discuss what the approach should be with the Select Standing Committee and with UBCM as well as how to engage more people such as board trustees, members of the public and suggested that there is room for improvement; discussion regarding importance of building relationships that can withstand changes in government
o The next call will take place on July 28th and there will be no calls in August. Calls will resume in September.