Zoom Meetup Recording & Notes
November 16, 2022
(0:02) Welcome and Introduction
Attendees were welcomed
(1:20) Update re: Public Library Accessibility Working Group – Cari Lynn Gawletz
Cari reported that there is enough information now for libraries to start forming their Accessibility Committees
Libraries have the option of teaming up with other committees rather than creating a new committee. This just needs to be laid out in your committee terms of reference
After establishing your committee, the next step would be for libraries to establish their Accessibility Plans. Cari has an upcoming meeting with DABC to create a template that libraries can complete so that they are compliant by the end of September 2023
One question that arises often is what counts as a disability for someone to be a part of the committee. Cari will be bring this question back to the working group and suggested that any other questions libraries have can be sent to Cari to bring back to the group
Susan shared that they will be partnering with their municipality with regard to establishing their Accessibility Committee
Question regarding whether municipalities have also received similar instructions regarding the steps for implementing the Act. Cari shared that the working group is specific to implementing the Act for public libraries and is not working with municipalities. Leigh Anne shared that there are a host of other sectors (i.e. local government, schools, post secondary, etc) that are also being engaged at this time with regard to the first phase of implementing the Act
(13:35) One Time Covid and Emergency Preparedness Funding – Leigh Anne Palmer
Leigh Anne shared that she has been speaking with multiple sectoral organizations regarding the one-time Covid Relief Funding and the Accessibility and Emergency Preparedness Funding and was wondering how many libraries on the call today have already used that funding, haven’t used it, or have used it in part. It appears that most libraries have used part of the funding already but not all of it
(20:55) Update re: One-Time Funding Grants – Tami Setala, BC Libraries Coop
Tami provided an update on provincial funding for electronic resources:
The Digital Initiative One Time Funding granted in 2020 covered Tumble Books (term ending Dec. 31/2022) and Linked in Learning (term ending Feb. 28/2023).
Member libraries have been consulted regarding the Covid Relief and Recovery Fund via a survey to libraries. 51 libraries responded to the survey with 83% of libraries ranking over drive e-books and audio books as highly desirable or desirable. Over drive magazines were also ranked highly as desirable (74%). Linked in Learning continues to be a high priority for libraries (two-thirds of respondents) and the plan is to renew this licence for a year and keep monitoring for usage and popularity. Less than 40% of respondents wanted to continue with Tumble Books so this licence will not be renewed province wide at the end of December. Tami has information on pricing for those wanting to continue with this program. Tami shared that there are two reasons why Tumble Books didn’t rank highly: lack of usage and it is an inexpensive resource that libraries can opt in themselves rather than being funded provincially
Question regarding how much money was earmarked for E-resources. Tami clarified that the full amount was 2.5 million over three years for provincial resources.
Question regarding why Linked in Learning had a strong showing but not as strong as expected. It appears that this program is not getting the usage that was expected. Tami suggested that perhaps more marketing is needed.
Question regarding when the decision will be made to continue with Linked in Learning and will this be in time to inform libraries budget planning processes. Tami suggested that the decision to renew or not would depend on whether there was an alternative learning resource to replace Linked in Learning. There is money available to renew this with one possibility to renew it for a 3-year term. Tami confirmed that Linked in Learning will be renewed for 2023 to Feb. 2024. For libraries to fund this on their own they would need to know by June 2023 as to whether this resource will be funded beyond Feb. 2024
Question regarding if there will be any new resources being covered since Tumble Books is being dropped. Tumble Books did not involve a large amount of money and those funds are being funneled into the whole relief pot and to address the hold queue issue
Question regarding whether the Bibliothèque Numérique will need to be paid for by libraries at some point. Tami is hoping that Francophone Affairs will continue funding this. Tami continues to advocate with Public Libraries Branch regarding continuing this funding piece, however, there is potential that the cost for this may be distributed back to libraries similar to the cost of Over Drive. This resource is funded for the next two years
Discussion regarding the funding being earmarked for Linked in Learning (over three years), Over Drive hold relief or paying for Over Drive magazines.
Christina shared that she has had conversations with MLA Brenda Bailey and confirmed with members that should further meetings take place that she or her Board Chair continue to advocate for ongoing stable funding for shared digital resources
(40:00) Advocacy Discussion
Discussion regarding advocacy efforts and messaging for a restoration of operational funding from the provincial government with adjustment for inflation ($23 million in 2023). We will wait to adjust further until a GR consultant has been engaged.
In addition to the ongoing funding ask, Leigh Anne suggested that every year we should be putting forward requests for one time funding as well. Suggestions from members regarding one time funding requests included targeted accessibility funds with a broad focus or statement about whatever is needed for a particular library to support its community.