Directors Zoom Recordings & Notes
OCTober 21, 2020
Notes from the call:
(00:58) Guests from BCLTA - Babs Kelly & Jerrilyn Schembri - gave an update on their recently changed roles. Babs used to be the Executive Director and is now the Director for Learning & Development. And Jerrilyn used to be the President of BCLTA and is now the Executive Director.
(20:40) Guests from the Libraries Branch - Mari Martin & Aidan Fortier. They answered a few questions about Typical Week Survey.
(36:11) Wendy Wright (Smithers) - question about how to provide safe, warm places for homeless or under housed populations given the cold weather AND following COVID safety precautions.
In addition to some ideas libraries have, also discussion that municipal/city partners and other related businesses aren’t aware of the role libraries play for this population. Most libraries aren’t purposefully set up, resourced, skilled to deal effectively with this, especially in rural libraries.
Recommendation for ABCPLD to write a letter to BC Housing to make them aware of this situation, illuminate what libraries have been doing for decades, it’s something we’re concerned about because these are important members of our community and they’re not being properly taken care of. Put on their radar that additional resources towards shelters, particularly in the hot summer and cold winter months, is needed. Also create a template for this letter to be shared by Directors with their local social service organizations.
(52:30) Fiona Bruce (Terrace) - question about an employee accommodation for COVID.
Request that on future calls, let’s keep returning to the topic of staff comfort levels. Okanagan is doing a survey of staff to gauge how they’re doing.
(1:00:01) Anne Rogers (Invermere) - seeking some advice, patron has an item from another library and refuses to return it.
(1:08:17) Don Nettleton (Okanagan Regional) - their transition away from quarantining materials has gone smoothly, wondering others’ experiences.
(1:10:43) Carmen Oleskevich (Pender Island) - question for non-unionized libraries about volunteers and the requests for accommodations that they’re making. Leaning in direction of removing all volunteers.
(1:15:30) Karli Fisher (Fort St James) - question about how to ensure staff have enough sick days when they have to be home when COVID is suspected.
(1:20:04) Wendy Wright (Smithers) - looking ahead to e-resources budget in 2021. Can I expect when I look at budget for Library To Go next year, that most libraries will vote for the biggest increase? (assuming the Coop will do the usual survey as asking how much more libraries want to pay)
OCTober 7 2020
Notes from the call:
Guest Mari Martin, Director of the Libraries Branch:
Typical Week Survey + Supplemental Survey to recognize COVID impact. Typical Week Survey is an optional survey that helps you answer the required Annual Survey. The information gathered here lives on the Libraries Branch website all year round. The Libraries Branch is editing the questions based on the COVID impact this year, and will be sharing these questions with ABCPLD to gather feedback on them.
(6:46) - Question: What is an “open hour”? What should I be counting? Answer: This hasn’t been clearly defined yet, ABCPLD emailed this question to the Libraries Branch after the zoom call and we’ll make sure to review when ABCPLD provides feedback.
(18:00) More description of how it’s “optional.”
(23:11) A few comments from Directors about using the Typical Week Survey only and not collecting data throughout the year. They use Typical Week and then extrapolate for the rest of the year.
(25:23) Marc Saunders (Port Moody) is working with a board member who has a degree in mathematical modelling to see if there’s another way of understanding these statistics.
(28:57). Any updates on quarantining library materials?
From libraries who have already eliminated quarantine, there has been zero feedback from the public.
(32:25). CULC Update (Canadian Urban Libraries Council) from Scott Hargrove.
Quebec libraries have closed. Their situation is quite different than BC.
(37:02). There are some other provinces who have reduced their quarantine periods. People in Ontario are very interested in what’s happening in BC with moving towards eliminating quarantine periods.
(39:27). Masks.
Maureen Sawa (Greater Victoria) is getting close to requiring their staff to wear masks.
(42:40). Scott Hargrove (Fraser Valley Regional) shared legal ramifications. As an employer, you have every right to require staff to wear a mask. Different story with the public. Whoever enacts a bylaw or policy, accepts legal responsibility. Scott recommended to his Board not to require masks for the public as there are huge risks. And without a bylaw, you can’t enforce it.
(49:12). Elizabeth Tracy (Whistler) shared that Whistler Municipality City Council, on Oct 20th, is going to be voting on a mask bylaw. Richmond will be voting on this same thing soon as well:
From Beverley Rintoul : We suggest strongly that the public wear masks. We have the odd person who doesn’t.
From KarenH : Our staff wear a mask when the public is in the building, unless they are in an office. We have signage that states, Masks are strongly encouraged. Most patrons put on a mask when they visit our library.
From Beverley Rintoul : I wonder if Richmond has a plan to deal with disposable masks after what happened in Edmonton?
Christina de Castell : We're saying "strongly encouraged" to the public and recommending staff wear them when they can't maintain 2m. We're doing a survey to see what the practice is among staff this week.
Hilary Bloom : Staff workspaces are spread apart and/or have plexi between them, but we all wear masks during our open hours, including those who aren't working with the public (but our hours are limited right now, so it's only 3 hours a day). Some of our staff wear their mask all day. Our signage says we strongly encourage masks and we offer masks to the public when they come in.
(55:07). Rebecca Burbank (Powell River). Planning for what if there’s an exposure at the library, particularly public relations and communication.
Christina de Castell (Vancouver) will share messages that VPL is drafting about this very thing. She’ll email the Director’s listserv.
(58:40). Anne Rogers (Invermere) question re: receiving WorkSafe letter that premiums are going to increase. Many libraries shared that they received the same letter. Libraries are included as part of a larger industry group, and everyone in the industry group has received the same letter about increased premiums.
(1:02:14). Ursula Brigl (Cranbrook) question re: the conversation happening on the listserv about opening hours. Some libraries are attempting to return to somewhat normal hours, and some are staying at reduced hours.
(1:07:22). Ursula asked about patrons coming in to library who are not socially distanced. Any responsibility for libraries to ensure they are following covid rules? Could library be held liable? Answer from different libraries: No.
(1:09:57). Karen Hudson (Salt Spring). Local data on COVID cases has not been updated by the BCCDC. Karen provided feedback about this to BCCDC and was pleasantly surprised to receive a message back right away. Karen encouraged other Directors to provide feedback to the BCCDC if they would also like to receive an updated map.